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  • Bodega Doble R DO Ribera del Duero


Created in 1964 by the parents and grandparents of the current generation of winegrowers, Doble R winery was one of the first wineries in the Ribera del Duero region.
Bodega Doble R
Over the years, the winery has evolved, grown and adapted to the changing times. Yet we have maintained the essence of the original winery, which was created with such effort and dedication by the founding families.
Today, the winery is equipped with the latest wine-making machinery, using the most advanced techniques to best care for the produce at each and every stage of the process, from harvesting through to ageing.
Bodega Doble R
Bodega Ribera del Duero Doble R


Ctra. de Valladolid, s/n, 09315 Fuentecén (Burgos)
Bodega Doble R desde 1964 D.O. Ribera del Duerox

Financiado por el Programa KIT Digital. Plan de Recuperación, transformación y Resiliencia de España "Next Generation EU".

© Bodega Doble R.